About Clear Water Distilling Co.
Clear Water Distilling Co. in Pleasant Grove, Utah seeks total freedom. They chase flavors, not categories, as they create spirits the world has never tasted before. Their total creative freedom led them to make award-winning craft spirits that add a tool to the bartender and mixologist tool box.
Founded in 2019, things have only just begun at Clear Water Distilling Co. With some awards in-hand, they have a healthy appetite growth. And a never-ending imagination. Their research and development efforts are always on-going, with new inventive spirits waiting on the horizon.
The independent Utah distillery makes batch-based products. Wine varies year-to-year, so why should there be an expectation of perfect symmetry between batches of craft spirits? Between changes in agriculture and idea improvements, the flavors in Clear Water Distilling’s spirits vary batch-to-batch. They embrace the challenge, and strive for perfection in every batch.