About Hella Cocktail Co.
Hella Cocktail Co. started in a Brooklyn apartment. Not satisfied with what was commercially available, they ventured to make their own cocktail bitters in a mason jar. They’ve outgrown the mason jar and Brooklyn apartment. Headquartered in Queens, today, Hella Cocktail Co. stands for three things. Bold flavors, real ingredients, and warm hospitality.
According to Hella Cocktail Co. the weekends are for cooking and shaking up cocktails, bringing together new recipes and ideas. Their mission is to democratize craft spirits. To remove the barrier that has kept so many from trying their hand at making unforgettable cocktails right at home. Their cocktail bitters and mixers are paving the way.
To build their complex bitters they use a bouquet-garni technique for maceration. Roots and spices go into individual mesh bags before being macerated. This allows them to remove one botanical sooner than others. Finding that magical formula comes through the masterful art of tasting and tinkering. But they’ve found it.