About Mystic Mountain Distillery
In Larkspur, Colorado, a city of less than 250 people, there’s a small batch, craft distillery with a nearly 150 year old history. Veteran owned and operated, Mystic Mountain Distillery crafts award-winning craft spirits from recipes dating back to the 1800s.
Mystic Mountain Distillery was founded in 2004, more than a full century after the recipe for Rocky Mountain Sippin’ Hooch was concocted. The recipe was crafted in the mountains outside Cripple Creek, Colorado amongst gold seekers in the 1870s. By the 1920s, it was some of the most popular moonshine around. It continued to thrive throughout Prohibition. But once the Noble Experiment was repealed, the recipe was locked away.
Owned by Brad Lee Schroder, Tracy Schroder and Jonathon Nesvik, Mystic Mountain Distillery revived the classic recipe to award-winning acclaim. Distilling each of their spirits with sweet Rocky Mountain water, they’ve produced a full line of craft spirits including whiskey, gin, vodka and their historic moonshine.