About Nahmias Et Fils Distillery

Nahmias Et Fils opened its distillery doors in 2012, but they trace their roots back over a hundred years to 1900 in Morocco. Utilizing an heirloom recipe, owners David and Dorit Nahmias set up shop in Yonkers, N.Y. in the hopes of educating a new wave of Mahia drinkers.

David’s passion started when he was young and would watch his mother and grandmother make Mahia. His passion for the drink only grew when his mother moved from Morocco to Brooklyn, and she insisted on continuing to make Mahia. Soon, he started dreaming of opening a distillery to bring Mahia mainstream. After both David and Dorit lost their jobs, they seized the moment and opened Nahmias Et Fils.

David and Dorit focus on two lines of products, and they do so with award-winning diligence. Their Mahia is crafted with only 100% California figs. Their Mahia was soon joined by a line of award-winning whiskeys, all made from locally sourced grains.

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